About Cell Healer

We would like to share Cell Healer’s the mode of function and why it can make a difference any kind of rare diseases.

This is still under hypothesis but most likely it works as below,

Composition and basic information

Cannot disclose all but it is composed by some specific metals, magnets, coils. Cell healers themselves cannot generate microcurrent but once it touches human body it generates current. This current and magnetic force will work on human body and can make miracle happens.


Here, I will write about why “Cell Healer” can be effective in various symptoms and how it works. It may be difficult to understand with only text information, but based on our experience, it is most likely conditions when we use it. This information has been updated as of 2020. It maybe added more aspects and scientific researches in the near future.

How it works

Mode of action

There are two ways to understand the mode of action. 1. is Scientific action, 2 is “Qigong” enhancer action.

1.Scientific action

Cell Healer has specific electrical, magnetic power , it works in our body biologically. This is the difference between other type of medicines and manipulative treatment.

Electrical action

Cell Healer generates specific type of microcurrent it stimulates the cells and induce the multiple biological effectiveness.

It is considered to cause

Increase ATP production

Induce the apoptosis to the bad cells and help to regenerate healthy cells

Optimize calcium pump

2. Qigong enhancer action

Some people may not be familiar to “Chi” the energy we all have. It is invisible for the most of the people and many people say it’s fake or false but it exists from 5000 years ago and it still exists even now. It is hard to ignore the power of that.

There are some evidences about Qigong but since the power and effectiveness can be different by person it is difficult to prove it

But when everyone feel pains their stomach they put their hands on their to stomach to ease pains, that is already “Chi” effect. Also when you were a kid, you fell on the ground and you placed your hand on your knee to reduce pains, that is “Chi” effect.

Everyone has that power and everyone knows it works somehow. Chi was analyzed in science, it has electromagnetic fields, bio electrics, infrared and something it’s not detected any measuring instrument.

It can be controlled by brains. The order comes from the brains and it affects the blood circulation, muscular moves and make vibration on the surface of skin. That is how people use Chi.

Cell Healer is the one can enhance the Qigong. Since the results is depending on the people who gave the treatment but it gives amazing outcome in the most of the cases. Also Chi can be used by everyone, everyone can train to make it better.

How to use



The basic way to grip is like this.

How to apply


Applying a Cell Healer, it causes pains in the parts needed to improve the symptoms, if the pain is not endurable, it is better to control the pains. If the symptoms are severe, also the pains can be strong like ALS and genetic errors (muscular dystrophy, cancers and some others )

There are some way to use this tool. Basically we would recommend to use the top part to apply. We will explain the way to

  1. Placing(Pushing)
  2. Rubbing
  3. Tapping

When applying Cell Healer, that will arouse pains from the body. It means there are problems in that parts. After a while with applying the same force but the pains will be gone. It means the problems had fixed. If it’s sprained ankles most of the pains are gone already. If the serious case like cancers it is hard to remove the pain or cannot remove it by just single time. As long as you can arouse pains, it means , you can cure that symptoms or diseases with using this.

1. Placing(Pushing)

It is the most common way to use Cell Healer.

It is effective to reach deeper areas and to enhance the chi power.

Need to adjust the pushing force by the parts of body. If the bigger muscles generally can give stronger force but the small muscles, near eyes and some other fragile parts has to be applied softly. Also recommended to adjust based on pains.

2. Rubbing

Rubbing can cause more pains and can reach mostly on the surface of the body. If you have stiffness of you neck, get tired of legs, rubbing can help a lot.

Since it causes a lot of pains, cannot recommend to use with strong forces.

3. Tapping

Tapping can be effective when it feels ticklish. When the cell healer cannot work electrically enough some parts especially on the back, the people may feel ticklish or uncomfortable feeling, you can tap the cell healer on the body.

NOTICE: when tapping, make sure to the tapping parts are soft and not the bones or fragile parts. it can cause bone fractures if it’s too strong and the people have frails.

More great case repots are yet to come

Cell Healer is still under developing its technology. Already cured ALS, Muscular dystrophy and some more incurable rare diseases as of today ( July.18 2021) only in Japan but it will be more next 5 years in anywhere in this world.

You can get and learn, and cure yourself, your families and your customers (patients).



